Herewith, I would like to say Hi to all the members of the iStOMPS consortium!

My name is Alessandra Bellissimo, and I am a postdoc in the Ultrafast Laser Group in the Institute of Photonics at TU Wien. Until now, I have mostly studied the fundamentals of the electronic response of materials. To this end, for several years already I have been performing “coincidence”-type spectroscopic experiments on solid surfaces, to investigate the elementary mechanisms of the emission of secondary electrons. In another project, I am pursuing the objective of studying the complex electron dynamics in metal surfaces, in particular focussing on the collective electronic response—so-called plasmon resonances. My latest project on these subjects is called “TRES-CHIC-ESt” standing for “Time-Resolved Electron Spectroscopy: a Challenging Highly Innovative Collective Excitation Study” (Grant Agreement No. 101022318). This project was funded by the European Commission as an Individual PostDoctoral Fellowship within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions of the Horizon-2020 programme.
I am eagerly looking forward to bringing my scientific background and specialisation in various spectro-microscopy techniques into the consortium. Thank you for having me with you Liza, Sebastian, Lorenz, Hongtao, Lujia, and Rahul !!