
iStOMPS at the Lange Nacht der Forschung 2024

On 24.05.2024, the Lange Nacht der Forschung (Long Night of Research) commenced in Austria. Lorenz, Rahul, and Sebastian from iStOMPS participated in this fantastic event with an exhibit at the main building of the University of Vienna. Together with members of the Backus group (laser spectroscopy), they presented a hand-built, do-it-yourself-style absorption spectrometer for visible light. We (and the visitors) had lots of fun in discovering how colors work. There even was a detective story about the ominous Prof. U. V. Vis for the kids to solve!


The spectrometer consists of easily available parts: an LED torchlight, a reading lens, two playing cards, a simple optical grating, a strip of white paper, and a webcam. The parts are arranged on a plywood frame with some 3D-printed mounts and contained in a black cardboard box that can be closed. When the torchlight is turned on, its light falls on the grating and is split into a rainbow on the paperstrip. The webcam sends pictures of the rainbow to a connected laptop that visualizes the absorption spectrum of colorful foils or table scatter gemstones.


Stimulated Raman scattering in the News

The ACS Photonics article published by Edgar Kaksis and Valentina Shumakova about stimulated Raman scattering for the production of XUV radiation produced quite a lot of Media attention. Have a look for yourself at the News page of the TU Wien Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology!

More Media echo can be found at Altmetrics.


Scalable and efficient XUV radiation from stimulated Raman scattering

Some members of iStOMPS published a manuscript on the efficient generation of XUV radiation via high-harmonic generation based on stimulated Raman scattering driven by a Yb-based laser source.

HHG at the Carbon K-Edge Directly Driven by SRS Red-Shifted Pulses from an Ytterbium Amplifier
Martin Dorner-Kirchner, Valentina Shumakova, Giulio Coccia, Edgar Kaksis, Bruno E. Schmidt, Vladimir Pervak, Audrius Pugzlys, Andrius Baltuška, Markus Kitzler-Zeiler, and Paolo Antonio Carpeggiani
ACS Photonics 2023, 10, 84–91.


Ultrafast time-resolved spectroscopy

Congratulations to Hongtao for publishing a contribution in the field of time-resolved spectroscopy.

Laser-induced valence electron excitation in acetylene
Hongtao Hu, Yi Hung, Seyedreza Larimian, Sonia Erattupuzha, Andrius Baltuška, Markus Zeiler, and Xinhua Xie
Front. Phys. 2022, 10, 1076671.


Lujia joins iStOMPS

Hello, everyone. My name is Lujia Zhou. I did my Master course in Optical Engineering on Tiangong University and finished in 2021. Now I am a PhD student of the Ultrafast Laser Group in the Institute of Photonics at TU Wien and joining iStOMPS in Subproject B. My task is about the XUV spectroscopy with isolated magnetic fields from laser pulse collision. I hope that I can learn more about optics within the iStOMPS consortium.


iStOMPS at the European Researchers Night 2022

On 29.9.2022, Lorenz, Rahul, and Sebastian were joining the European Researchers Night in Vienna and showed young and old guests of the public how to build and use a simple spectrometer to split up visible light and understand the colors of gems and crystals.

iStOMPS at Conferences

58th Symposium of Theoretical Chemistry

From 18.9. to 22.9.2022, Lorenz, Rahul, and Sebastian visited the 58th Symposium of Theoretical Chemistry in Heidelberg in Germany. Lorenz presented particle-in-cell simulations of azimuthally polarized beams interacting with metal apertures to generate isolated, amplified magnetic fields. Rahul’s poster showed spin-orbit complete active space second-order perturbation theory computations of Eu3+ ions. Sebastian presented nonadiabatic dynamics simulations using the SHARC software package. We enjoyed very nice talks, poster discussions, hikes, and social get-together.


Edgar defends his PhD thesis

Today, Edgar Kaksis defended his thesis titled “Scaling of peak and average power in femtosecond ytterbium amplifiers” and obtained his PhD with distinction. Congratulations to Edgar!


“Best Talk” prize for Lorenz

Lorenz won the prize for the best talk at the DoSChem Panel A retreat that took place on 31.5.-2.6.2022 at the H2O Therme in Bad Waltersdorf, Styria. We are very proud of Lorenz!

The Vienna Doctoral School in Chemistry (DoSChem) is the doctoral training program in chemistry at the University of Vienna and organized in three panels. Lorenz and Rahul belong to Panel A, which includes physical, materials, and theoretical chemistry and biology.


First iStOMPS Seminar

In our first seminar, we invited Prof. Peter Banzer from the Karl-Franzens-University Graz, Optics of Nano and Quantum Materials Group. He gave a very nice presentation about “The Magical World of Tight Focusing”