
iStOMPS goes (to the) wild (boars)

On July, 12th our team enjoyed a beautiful sunny summer day going hiking in one of the last pieces of the original Viennese Woods – that is the Lainzer Tiergarten (or Zoo), located on the outskirts of the city. Equipped with some good sandwiches and a lot of fun and joy, we made a “big round” in this special recreational area. Since Ale lives in Hütteldorf, as a local, she proposed the following route (highlighted below), entailing some nice panoramic view points, such as the “Hubertuswarte” (see first picture below) and the “Kaiserwiese” (second picture).

The Lainzer Zoo offers a unique natural landscape with a wealth of flora and fauna — e.g., there are generally lots of wild boars — as well as cultural-historical exhibitions in the Hermesvilla. In other words, it is a place that offers relaxation, experience in nature and education and, as you can judge from our smiles, our iStOMPS team enjoyed this excursion very much!

iStOMPS on top of the “Hubertus Warte”

Panoravic viewpoint of the “Kaiserwiese”