From 13.09.2023 to 15.09.2023, Liza and Lorenz attended the AttoChem Young Scientist Symposium 2023, which was held in Vienna. The Symposium was organized by a team of scientists at TU Wien, including part of the iStOMPS team – Alessandra, Hongtao, and Liza. The very open and interactive format, including a panel discussion at the last day of the symposium, allowed us to catch a peek into the “Atto Universe”. Liza and Lorenz had the opportunity to show their work within iStOMPS in both flash presentations as well as individual posters:
Lorenz showed his most recent results from Finite-Differences Time-Domain (FDTD) simulations on his poster “Magnetic-only Optical Spectroscopy with Ultrafast Laser Pulses”.

Liza presented the experimental setups (for details see Subproject A, Subproject B) for magnetic-only optical spectroscopy on her poster “Generation of Isolated Strong Transient Magnetic Fields for Magneto-Optical Spectroscopy”.